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Frequently Asked Questions
Does acupuncture work?Yes! Acupuncture has been used for over 3000 years and has demonstrated positive results. It continues to be researched and studied to illustrate the efficacy. You can read more about this fascinating medicine under the "Treatments Offered" page on this website.
How many treatments will I need?The amount of sessions will depend on the severity and duration of your particular complaint and body constitution. While each person is unique, many people feel relief within 3 - 8 treatments. Chronic conditions may require more treatments.
How long do the sessions last?Your first session will generally last about 60 - 90 minutes, which includes the consultation and treatment. Each subsequent session will last from 45 minutes to an hour. During your consultation, we'll discuss your condition and body type along with the various therapies that will be necessary to aid in your healing.
What conditions can acupuncture effectively treat?The goal of acupuncture and Chinese Medicine is to help your body heal as a whole. Therefore, a variety of conditions can be helped with acupuncture such as: Pain Headache & migraine TMJ & dental pain Eye pain Joint pain (knee, shoulder and elbow), as well as reducing muscle spasm and increasing mobility Fibromyalgia Neck, back & sciatic pain Gout, traumas & sprains - besides lessening pain, circulation will be improved to quicken recovery time Resulting pain from accidents Chronic pain Mental/Emotional Depression Stress Anxiety Insomnia Substance dependency/addiction Lethargy Respiratory Allergies Asthma Immune boosting Infections Reproductive Health Stimulate labor induction & ease pain Help to correct abnormal fetal position Menstrual disorders - including lack of period, irregular periods, severe cramping, PMS, PMDD, endometriosis, fibroids and cysts Fertility challenges Stimulates milk production for breast feeding Neurological Stroke Bell's palsy Trigeminal neuralgia Digestive Ulcer Gastritis Acid Reflux Poor digestion Nausea & Vomiting Ulcerative colitis/Crohn's Constipation Diarrhea
What are the costs of treatment?Initial treatment for all new patients, which includes a full intake, diagnosis, acupuncture and all other necessary modalities, such as cupping, gua sha, nutritional guidance, herbal consultation and/or essential oils. Prices starting at: $140 and lasts 60-75 minutes* Follow up treatment, which includes a shorter intake, acupuncture and all other necessary modalities, such as cupping, gua sha, nutritional guidance, herbal consultation and/or essential oils. (for established patients only). Prices starting at: $100 and lasts 45 - 60 minutes* In-Depth Acupuncture & Holistic Healing Session, which includes all of the above including additional modalities such as NET, wellness mentoring and/or mindful acupuncture. (for established patients only). Prices starting at: $130 and lasts 90 minutes* Herbal consultation, which can be done in person or virtually. Prices starting at: $60 and lasts 25 minutes* Virtual wellness mentoring and/or telehealth sessions. *please visit "treatments offered" to learn more. Prices starting at: $150 for 55 minutes Package Options (to be used within 1 year of purchase ONLY by the individual it was purchased for): 3-session initial package: $325 ($15 discount) 3-session existing patient package: $285 ($15 discount) 5-session existing patient package: $460 ($40 discount) 10-session existing patient package: $900 ($100 discount) *Cost of herbs is separate Expert and/or Fact Witness: If called in to testify for an existing patient in a legal case my fees are as follows (to be paid prior to testifying): Preparation time: $275/hour Phone and Zoom calls: $275/hour Depositions in person: $500/hour Testimony in court: $500/hour Mileage: Set by the IRS Time away from the office due to depositions or testimony: $300/hour All attorney fees/costs incurred to be paid by the subpoenaing party Filing or supplying any relevant documents: $250
What is your cancellation policy?In fairness to our patients, all missed appointments or those not cancelled 24 hours before your scheduled time are subject to a cancellation fee, which is equal to the cost of the visit.
Does acupuncture hurt?The needles are about the width of a single strand of hair so very little sensation is felt if at all. You may notice a slight ache initially, which goes away in matter of seconds. In fact, most people find the effects to be calming and relaxing.
Are the needles used multiple times?Nope! Only sterile, disposable needles are used and discarded after each use.
Do you accept insurance?Many insurance plans now cover acupuncture! While our office only accepts Landmark Healthcare, we're happy to provide you with a form you can submit to your insurance for reimbursement.
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