Castor Oil Pack to Relieve Pain & Inflammation
Lately you may have been hearing a lot about castor oil packs in the media and you might be curious to learn more about them and their...

Pumpkin Season (and soup recipe)
It's Fall, which means it's pumpkin season again... at least to many of us who love this tasty vegetable! Pumpkins are delicious,...

Calm - Springtime Renewal Wellness Retreat
Hello and happy Spring! Can you feel the joy in the air as the birds are chirping, flowers are blooming and the days are getting longer?...

Homemade Vegetable Marinara
During these cold winter days, a bowl of marinara soaked pasta just sounds so soothing and delicious, doesn't it? Read below for my...

Getting a Good Night's Sleep
Sleep is one of the most important things we can do for our health. Physically this is when our body rests, replenishes and heals....

FREE Guided Acupressure to Boost Energy & Immunity Workshop
As our world begins to slowly open back up it's vital we keep our bodies strong and healthy. Join me for a 30 minute FREE Guided...

Cultivating Inner Stillness
How have you been been feeling this week? With so many changes and uncertainties many have admitted to feeling overwhelmed, anxious,...

Maintaining Lung Strength & Resilience
I know many of you are feeling concerned, confused and unsure of our current situation. I understand and want to assure you that I am...

Self Care
This is a term which has become so ubiquitous in recent years. We're constantly being reminded to create time for self care. But what...

10 Strategies for Enhancing Resilience and Happiness
Over the last few of years I've been noticing an increase in patient's anxiety, discontent, depression and unease. This often leads to...